

故事是從前男友交了新女友,整天對女主角說現在的戀情比以往得幸福多了之類的,開頭是有點老套啦,但後面展開的劇情是比較人生轉折面的。嗯,我要說的重點不是這個,而是小說開頭第一句:He -- the Monster -- is now dating someone whose name begins with "L." ……後面幾乎就直接用「the Monster」當前男友的代稱了。究竟為什麼要用「the Monster」我很想知道(就像當初在校《晚安,無名小卒》時,為了書裡只出現了兩次的「小蚱蜢」查得要死一樣),於是呢,就求救了古狗大神,可是找來找去頂多也只找到「moster-in-law」或「cookie monster」之類的句子;而wiki上呢,好像也沒有我想要的資料。

最後在the free dictionary網站上找到下面的解釋:

mon·ster (mnstr)
-- --
5. One who inspires horror or disgust: a monster of selfishness.


Monster-in-Law is a 2005 romantic comedy film, directed by Robert Luketic. It marks a return to cinema for Jane Fonda; her first film in 15 years. The screenplay is written by Anya Kochoff. The original music score is composed by David Newman and Rosey.

Tagline 1: She met the perfect man. Then she met his mother.
Tagline 2: This relationship is going to be a real mother.




他愛你美麗也害你可憐 他想要誠實卻常說謊言

他把你解放 只為他狂野
他讓你為他徹底地改變 他實在太危險
你想不想 他都在身邊 你要不要 他都會出現
你愛不愛 已經不重要 你受不了 你也逃不掉
he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster. he's a monster.
他餵你吃糖果也餵你毒藥 他把自己變成唯一的解藥
他讓你心痛卻還死不掉 他為你心痛卻不為你治療 你應該知道
你想不想 他都在身邊 你要不要 他都會出現
你愛不愛 已經不重要 你受不了 你也逃不掉
he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster. he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster. he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster. he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster. he's a monster.
he's a monster.
he's a monster.he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster. he's a monster.
he's a monster. he's a monster.

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